Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Why "The Blog"?

 We are committed to keeping our environment the number one issue of our time.

Hopefully you will visit our website. 
We produce loads of videos which feature Dan’s original music. All to bring attention to the plight of the Earth.

Have you hugged a tree lately? Link below is to an original Dan and Zack song called "TREE HUGGER".

e-Awakening.com is doing “The Blog” for fun and to “Save” the Environment. Bringing attention to the fact that our Earth needs our help. We need the Earth as a healthy and protected biosphere.
 We are doing what we can and what we believe in.
We can only speak from our point of view but added to all the great work of Environmental Heroes everywhere we contribute our piece to the great puzzle of life on Earth!

"Tell the Truth...Climate Emergency"