Saturday, May 30, 2009

Economic Revival

Encourage and Draw business: By setting the stage to have them prosper.

a.)Clean Tech,  Green Stores, Edison museum/state of the art lighting store.

b.)Research and Development (Partner with Education, schools and Universities)

c.)Arts and Crafts business: Inspiration, enjoyment and Utilitarian resource.

d.)Restaurants and Cafes (business that sustain shoppers)

e.)Bring back the small businesses and farms. ( Community supported agriculture)

What are the regions strengths?

a.) Industrial work force.

b.) Multicultural

c.)Downtown with commuter rail stop


e.)Prime for renovation

This area could serve as an example of how using existing infrastructures (an old city) can be rejuvenated Green. The architecture, buildings and infrastructure could be made efficient and state of the art in conservation.  The challenge would be to maintain character and existing materials and renovate them.

An ad campaign could bring throngs of shoppers on the Train.  The slogan could be...

Come Grow with us!

Brockton in Ten Years

The streets are impeccably clean.  There is a vibrant, active downtown that is loaded with state of the art stores.  The clean tech revolution is well underway and there's lots of green to go around, including money.

Another load of shoppers just got off the train and are exploring the shops that line the street leading to downtown.  One steamy window entices with delicious organic treats that are actually nutritious and on our diet.  The smell of coffee wafts into the fresh air and the owner comes out and greets the passersby with a sample of his unique cafe's best and freshest blend. The street is lined with unusual,  family owned businesses that can't be found anywhere else.  It's an adventurous atmosphere.

One of the must see destinations is the James Edgar Museum. He was the first department store Santa and his life story is a lesson from the past where this businessman was more interested in the local children's health than profits. And speaking of children it's amazing to see them deep in the natural wonders of DW Field Park at summer picnic's that honor a man and his age for conserving this beautiful space, Daniel Waldo Field.

Back Downtown the Edison lighting store is next.  A clerk shares the rich history of how James Alva Edison wired the downtown and as you notice there are no wires because there all underground, you are greeted by an energy efficiency expert who can help you save money on your electricity.  Leaving you a little extra cash that you plan to spend on one of those tasty treats you saw driving by in the electric taxi.

Main street is dotted with Green apartment buildings decked out with solar arrays and futuristic looking wind turbines.  Electric Busses take people on tours of the city to show case how this idea has spread. Business abound with video window displays showing off their work and how they helped rebuild this city, and they gladly share their idea's with possible costumers who are here on a visit.

The whole area has caught the clean tech fever and residents are reaping the benefits. The old fashion charm of the past is retained thanks to strong leadership and the vision. A future conservation ethic is built in,  but that doesn't mean doing without. In fact there has never been such bounty because all the natural resources go so much farther. 

Ten years ago the political leaders, visionaries, and concerned citizens created a green council and grew this new clean tech society. And instead of a hyper, hectic pace they now enjoy the relaxed simple prosperity that all their hard work and dreams has created.

Luckily the people of this region saw the Green Wave coming, they caught it, they rode it and they reaped the benefits. It was the Green Wave of the clean tech revolution. 

So everywhere you look people of all colors and cultures are helping to spread the message.  That we can build a better society.  All the elements are here, free fuel from the sun the wind and the earth. The saving of not wasting the natural resources and the lack of pollution from the avoidance of fossil fuel. Why even the lawns and gardens are chemical free, natural and organic.

Sure there are still problems, people are still human.  Special interests are trying to stop us all along the way....but the prevailing weight of doom and gloom that their was just ten short years ago have dissipated. There is still a long way to go and it will never be perfect.  But the Humans in this city have grown in spirit and thought and now realize that harmony with the earth and themselves is very, very achievable.