Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Fueling Time for Hummingbirds

 Hummingbirds migrate great distances.

That’s why they fuel up this time of year.

Soon they will be traveling up to 500 miles a day. For thousands of miles.

So clean and fill your feeders. The hummingbirds will appreciate your effort!

Friday, August 23, 2024

New Knee

Things are bit quiet at e-Awakening.com. Dan just got a new knee. He was unable to walk or stand for very long.

So Marilyn is taking care of our feathered and furry friends at the Wild Life Sanctuary…and she is taking care of Dan too!

In the meanwhile preserve and protect nature!

And take a cruise around our website.


Monday, August 12, 2024

Groundhog is winning!

Marilyn captured the baby groundhog getting at the lemon cucumber plants in this iPhone video.
We eliminated the hard fence which the groundhog was getting under.
And we wrapped the top piece of chicken wire so it was snug but floppy.
Now we are adding a few stakes to keep it flopping out instead of in.
But we concede to Mr. Groundhog with all due respect and challenge him/her to a duel over next years crop of lemon Cucumbers. This years leaves are pretty much devoured.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Gentle farmers Farm and Wildlife Sanctuary

Everyone needs to eat.

Even baby Groundhogs!

But we don't want them eating our cucumber plants which they love with a passion.

So we build our fence bigger and bigger till it is big enough.

Preserving and protecting Nature is protecting all the plants, animals, insects, birds, aquatic life, and humans too! The whole Earth. It doesn't work unless it works together.

Here is a brief video from Dan and Marilyn. Dan on camera and Marilyn as videographer extraordinaire.


Thursday, August 8, 2024

Art at an Early Age

 Above the mantel hangs,

A paint by number smeared.

Outside the lines it blurred like the Artist's early years.

The oil waiting to dry made the painting something other.

It created a kind of pride in a boy who was special…to his beloved Grandmother! 

Thanks for believing in me Nana...

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Angel Mushroom

 Outside our Angel "Sanctuary Room".

Looking through our picture window on Nature.

At the old pine tree that the woodpeckers just love to pieces.

A mushroom grew!

Who's to say it isn't an Angel looking over the Wildlife we so want to protect and preserve.

Sure looks like an Angel. Look at the detail.
Love Nature!

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Writing Songs

Writing Songs is Easy.

Getting anyone to hear them is the hard part.

Especially when you write the songs no one wants to hear. Like Hey Greta. Here are the words to the latest song I am working on.

What the world needs is a good cry. What we continue to do to the Earth is a Shame!
Dan Brielmann