Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Groundhog Kiss

 I live underground.

Except when I dine in the sun.

I eat the native weeds.

And the birds and I share the seeds.

Kiss me Missy you're so shy,
Can't you see... that I'm your guy. 

Oh I love you. Do you love me? I love this world. Because you're here with me now.

Below is the link to the  music Video "Groundhog Kiss" 


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Zucchini Garden

 Our Zucchini Garden provides an amazing meal.

It does take work and you have to make sure you water the plants and protect them from the animals.

But in the end it is worth it. Fresh vegetables about as healthy and tasty as a meal can get.

And it helps that you have a chef who knows how to cook it up!

Kitchen Gardens are fun and important to the sustainability of our future.

Kitchen Garden! MMM

Monday, July 22, 2024

Blog Update

We are having a blast doing the Blog.

Just to let you know. We will not be posting everyday. But we plan to post as often as we have something worthwhile to share. Like this groundhog kiss. (There is a story about Shy and Bold)...so...

Stay tuned cause there is lots of great stuff happening in our Wildlife Sanctuary 

Marilyn and I hope to bring attention to the protection and preservation of Nature as something we can all be a part of...through our Website e-Awakening.com and with The Blog.


Sunday, July 21, 2024

Baby Groundhog

 A resident enjoys the Apple Tree in our Wildlife Sanctuary.

We have seen a couple of baby Groundhogs feasting on the native plants in our yard.

It is great to share our yard with these really cute animals.

Marilyn explains that living with Nature is not difficult. Protecting the plants you want for your own enjoyment is easy and effective.

There is plenty to go around and going back to Nature can be going forward in evolution. And it can be so rewarding in the stress it relieves!

Blog in a video is just below. 
Try it out!

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Summer Squash

 There is nothing like the taste of fresh from your garden...Summer Squash.

Our Squash loves the front corner of our house by the street.

And they are beautiful.

So every day we pick the best tasting Squash and love every healthy mouthful with a few of our homegrown string beans.

 Wouldn’t it make sense to be able to produce our food locally? Wouldn't a more sustainable plan be in order, like permaculture, local farms and kitchen gardens?

As I savor the flavor of food that is nutritious and delicious I look at my yard in a whole new light.


Below is an audio recording of the words in this blog for our friends who can't read the small print on their phones

Friday, July 19, 2024

Watering the Birds and the Bees

 Everyone needs Water to live.

At our Wildlife Sanctuary e-Awakening.com makes sure there is plenty of fresh clean water on hand. The video below explains.

A couple of watering bowls and dedication is all it takes. It is fun to watch the animals and birds drink! They do appreciate the water.

As human development continues to encroach the pristine natural areas wildlife is losing their homes and the source of food and water they need to live.
But we can bring nature home. We have the ability to create sanctuaries that could connect so the animals and birds can move about freely.
I am seeing first hand how wildlife is becoming trapped in suburbia.
By dedicating half your yard to nature you will be bringing nature home.

Check out "Homegrown National Park" with


And check out our website...
Dan and Marilyn Brielmann

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Injured Deer

We have become attached to the Wildlife that visits our Sanctuary.

If you look closely you will see an apple in this deer's mouth. She knows our apple tree and enjoys its fruit.

While Video taping we could see this deer was injured and it made us feel sad. Compassion is only felt when there is a knowledge of suffering.

Our Planet is suffering. Species are going extinct. The animals and birds are losing their homes and their food sources. Many humans are suffering too. 
Joanna Macy in her latest book, "Active Hope" 
talks about honoring our pain for the world. And it is painful to acknowledge what is happening to our world.
My problem is dealing with my anger at commercialism, control of the media and those who profit off the earth and all of us.
My problem is with a system that is destroying the Earth.
 Dan Brielmann

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Wildlife Blind

We are documenting our Sanctuary to bring awareness to caring for Wildlife in our yards.

 The Video below shows how we are able to get up close and personal pictures of the Wildlife in our Sanctuary.

Marilyn focuses on capturing images that will help us care for the Earth and all its inhabitants.

Our yards can become connected Greenways and sanctuaries for Wildlife.

Our yard is mostly whatever grows naturally but as we study the subject there are a lot of natural plants that could increase the number of feathered and furry friends we can have as visitors. The Oak tree is one huge example of attracting nature to our yards.

We love watching the animals, the insects, the plants and the birds and bees. Turning our yard into a sanctuary has been one of the best things we have ever done.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Why "The Blog"?

 We are committed to keeping our environment the number one issue of our time.

Hopefully you will visit our website. 
We produce loads of videos which feature Dan’s original music. All to bring attention to the plight of the Earth.

Have you hugged a tree lately? Link below is to an original Dan and Zack song called "TREE HUGGER".

e-Awakening.com is doing “The Blog” for fun and to “Save” the Environment. Bringing attention to the fact that our Earth needs our help. We need the Earth as a healthy and protected biosphere.
 We are doing what we can and what we believe in.
We can only speak from our point of view but added to all the great work of Environmental Heroes everywhere we contribute our piece to the great puzzle of life on Earth!

"Tell the Truth...Climate Emergency"

Monday, July 15, 2024


16 years ago Marilyn and Dan started e-Awakening.com

A public service website shining a spotlight on people caring for the earth.

Our most important goal is to protect and preserve Nature.

The link below is a short video we produced to introduce our work.


Marilyn created our website, shoots video, takes pictures and edits all our work. Dan creates the videos and logos and writes a lot of the text. Together the Brielmann's do it all. 
It has been a strange trip not always going the way we hoped. 
Our fondest wish is to live in a world community where everyone cares for each other, the animals, plants, insects, amphibians, aquatic life, birds and for the Earth as one living whole, Gaia. The Earth is our life line. Without Nature we cannot exist. Cleaning up the world, making it safe and healthy is the most important mission humans can have in this day and age. Waking up to Caring for the Earth "Together" we can "Save the World!" And in doing so we will "Save Ourselves"

This color image of Earth was taken by NASA’s Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC)

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Kitchen Garden

 Nothing like fresh vegetables right outside your kitchen door.

Take Southern fried tomatoes for instance!

Right off the vine.

Garden fresh.

Mmm…Slice green tomato nice and thin. Flour the slices on both sides. And fry in bacon fat. Drain well.
I can tell you there is nothing like southern fried tomatoes. 
And there is no substitute for your own freshly grown veggies.
We do patronize our local organic farm-stand which is the next best thing.
Grow your veggies. Grow your soil. And grow your awareness of the “Great Awakening”!

Bringing Home to Nature

 Nature’s Best Hope by Douglas Tallamy.

Using our yards as Wildlife Sanctuary’s.

Marilyn and I have made our yard Wildlife friendly. We provide food and native plants. We make sure there is plenty of clean drinking water. We love watching our guests and giving them a greenway to travel through while finding a peaceful sanctuary to be safe in. To thrive in. And we get so much pleasure from our furry and feathered friends.

Saturday, July 13, 2024


 Use what you got!

Yard full of rocks?

Build a good old country wall. Make it rustic. Work the Art. Bring back a simpler time. Have fun!

Bryce, Dave, and Matt. 
Matt’s A to Z Landscaping. 
“They do it all!”
These guys did 5 hours of work in just 2 and a half. Their energy and stamina is amazing. And they enjoy what they’re doing. With a smile and a can do attitude they get it exactly how you want it. . Mara and I are pleased with the boys!

Thanks Guys!

Friday, July 12, 2024

Sand Mining

 Expanding an airport and using nature to do it? Does that make sense in todays environment?

Community Land and Water Coalition is fighting the good fight. I just received their email and signed the petition.

Personally I won’t fly. I understand how fossil fuel is destroying the planet. At e-Awakening.com we stand for the protection and preservation of nature.