Today is an exciting day! Marilyn and I are just starting this journal. It's the start of a journey into the world of the future.
Imagine what it will be like. Will it be clean and healthy with the power of the sun, wind and earth guiding us to a new era, a sustainable age? We certainly hope so.
In this future we plan to be active in creating a vision of what this world will be. For the future generations who will not be able to say thanks, this is the world we shall build. A world where those generations will look back and say, "There was something called Pollution. We're so glad we didn't have to experience that."
If you watch Target Zone, I hope you wonder about what we are doing to this earth, to the air we breathe. I hope you start to realize that there is a better way. I hope you will get involved, that's if your not already.
I think of an economy that will flourish from the labor of green collar workers building a solar infrastructure, working at cleaning up the environment after years of abuse.
When the wind blows I see the mills turning to a new day. A day where fossil means something from the past. A day where greed and self gratification can be replaced by caring communities that know that true wealth is in how we treat each other.
I may be preaching to the choir, but that's O.K. You are singing a beautiful song and I love to hear you sing. Sing the song that could save one species from extinction and that song will have been mystical. Spiritual.
Humankind is about to grow up. Dream. The world will be a better place because of you! Because of us.
Your friends Dan and Marilyn