Friday, February 28, 2025

Fox in the Sanctuary


This beautiful, bold, fox partook of the “Gentle Farmers Farm and Wildlife Sanctuary”.

We have a variety of seed and corn along with nuts and suet.

But we are sure a fox needs something more substantial. As the web of life is being eliminated by human development, mining and habitat depletion this fox takes what he/she can get.

Friday, February 21, 2025

No if, ands, or butts.


2 Raccoons visited our Wildlife Sanctuary the other night.

Even with the frozen snow and ice.

So even when apart they are together. We saw them kiss. But in this following short video we also see that food is priority. No if, ands, or butts.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Wildlife Seed Mixture


It takes a lot of seed to feed our wildlife friends.

Trash cans worth.

With a certain seed mixture.

Here is a link to our second “Sanctuary Shorts” video.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Brothers and Sisters Music Video

The World seems so different today.


My Brothers and Sisters were so important.

Our family was close and we learned so much about life from our father, Robert Brielmann. He was my scout master and my mentor.

And I didn't realize it then but those were the days!

This Music Video is dedicated to my Brothers and Sisters. Just click on the link...

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Frozen Water

You can’t drink this.

Wildlife can and does drink from these.

So we change out the frozen water at least once a day!