Friday, September 20, 2024


Click the link just below to go to our server to see and hear the Music Video 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Long Trail Calls to Me.

My dream of hiking the Long Trail is a long shot.

But with new knees it just might be doable.

So I am taking my PT very Seriously.

Thanks to Marilyn for her help and motivation.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Salamander Surprise


Our friend Gary was quite surprised when he saw this.

Up in the cellar she/he came. Yellow spots and all.

So Gary rescued the amphibian and released her/him in the woods.

Gary told me, “My son-in-law said he saw one at a job in Easton last week.

So I asked Gary if any development was going on?

 Good point “there are many developments what I see most around are these giant warehouses they’re building everywhere disturbing a lot of land and cutting down lots of trees…

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Kitchen Garden

 Mara picks beans.

And… she finds a Lemon cucumber on the plants eaten by the groundhog.

It was the tastiest cucumber ever.

And there will be the freshest beans for supper!

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Turkeys Fly and….

We have had a flock of turkeys at our sanctuary all summer.

Development is taking their food and habitat.

So we have the opportunity to protect and preserve these amazing birds.

And yes, turkeys do fly, and…they climb trees as shown in Marilyn’s video below.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Summers Labor


Marilyn’s zucchini Bread.

And Muffins.

From our Kitchen Garden.

Can’t get can’t fresher or better than this.